Lay Leader Blog #4 – March 2020

Greetings Lake County Koinonia!

It is my pleasure to be able to update you on our progress as a community regarding a few items.  The  Rectors and team for the K-137 and K-138 weekends are hard at work as those dates QUICKLY approach.  Please continue to lift them in prayer as Beth Johnson completes the process of filling all team positions for K-138 and the Men of K-137 prepare their talks.

As mentioned numerous times, as a community, our goal is to fill the conference room with candidates on each of these weekends.  I hope you have been in prayer about whom you may want to sponsor.  NOW is the time to ask and get them to fill out an application. As they often do, the weekends are sneaking up on us quickly.  The deadline for the Men’s weekend is just 4 weeks away!    Remember, if the candidate is married, we ask that both applications be turned in together.  The weekend dates are April 17-19 for the men and May 15-17 for the women.  Applications are available in the “files” folder on the Facebook page or on our website (anyone remember the password? Think about it!).  We will also attach the application to the e-mail version of this update.

We are still in need of volunteers to serve on or assist the Core Board.  Openings still exist on the board for the positions of E-mail coordinator and Historian.  Please call Jeff Hickman or myself if you have an interest or question regarding these positions.  We are also seeking volunteers to assist our Ultreya Chairs in planning, organizing, and hosting our two main Ultreyas, the Summer Ultreya, and the Christmas auction.  Some new, exciting ideas were discussed at the last Core Board meeting, but help is needed to make it all happen.  Please call Jeff Hickman, Annette Dodd, Deanna McNutt, or myself if you have an interest helping in this way.

As I close, I’m thinking about recent studies and devotions focusing on the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The red letters say in John 14:16, “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever—“.   I share this from a Truth for Life devotion:  “Those who yield to His influences become good; those who obey His impulses do good; those who live under His power receive good. Let us then act toward Him according to the dictates of gratitude. Let us revere His person and adore Him as God over all, blessed forever; let us own His power and our need of Him by waiting upon Him in all our holy enterprises; let us hourly seek His help and never grieve Him; and let us speak His praise whenever occasion occurs. 

I pray the Holy Spirit would lead, help, empower, and bless all of you and our community!

